Graphics for National Library Workers Day may be found right here at AllSunsets! National Library Workers Day is April 5. It’s a day to appreciate library workers of all sorts. Did you spend time at your library growing up? We had a beautiful city library and I used to go there after school and do homework, or if I had a research paper I’d make use of the resources there. We didn’t have Google in those days, only the Dewey Decimal System and the librarians to guide us. Before that, we had the bookmobile because we lived out in the country. What a treat it was when the bookmobile would come around!
Graphics for National Library Workers Day
My sister and I both loved to read. She loved books so much that she grew up to be a librarian! She earned a master’s degree in library science and for thirty years she was a librarian at a state university having just recently retired. Librarians can be a great help to their patrons. They can help you research, find government documents and answer questions. Many times they organize programs for children, seniors, or immigrants. The library is where you can get on the internet if you don’t have service at home. Librarians can find a book for you and put it on hold. They can get you a library card and teach you how to use it. A kind librarian brought me into the digital age and taught me how to check out ebooks to read on my tablet.
Library workers promote reading, which is such an important skill. I read to my children from the time they were tiny until they were teens and always on the go. In between there somewhere, I taught them all how to read. They are all good readers. It’s a very basic skill. If you can read you can learn anything you want.
Don’t forget to appreciate your library workers. They work hard and go the extra mile for you. Get library worker graphics at AllSunsets.